Thinking of social media content for business can get monotonous and can make social media posting a bit boring. As a business owner, you've got to spice things up because if you're getting bored with your content then your audience is as well. We'll go through some unique ways to use social media content that will get your business noticed and get out of that boring funk. Let's do this! …
Blog Post Ideas to Boost Traffic to Your Business Blog
Writing for a blog takes hard work and time, especially if it's for business. Sometimes it's hard to come up with blog post ideas that will stir up the attention of an audience. How do you draw in the right people to your blog and how do you know if they'll like it? We'll go through some blog research tactics and give a list of blog post ideas that will boost traffic to your blog. Let's do this! …
13 Extraordinary Marketing Ideas for Entrepreneurs
Marketing a business can be tough when you feel like you've exhausted so many ideas. If you feel like you're struggling or bored with the same marketing strategies it's time to take on a new and fresh approach. Let's take a look at a variety of marketing ideas that'll pump you up and get energized to market your business as an entrepreneur. …
How to Use Color Combinations for Powerful Marketing & Branding
There's been a lot of talk in recent years about color psychology and how it plays a role in marketing. Can colors really have a distinct significance in marketing and branding a business? We explore the basics of how color combinations can impact visual content and provide powerful marketing. …
How to Boost Your Work Productivity with Tools
Every human being wants to be productive in all things but most importantly with work. Nothing is worse than trying to get something done and it's taking FOREVER to get done. Doubt, fear, insecurity all come collapsing in on you at once, then the questions start rolling in your mind - What's wrong with me? Why can't I get this right? Why is this taking so long? Am I hungry? etc. …