As you begin the New Year, you are likely refining your marketing strategy and want to refine your processes along the way. Whether you've already done this or not, discovering new tools or understanding what the tools that you currently use can do for you can be helpful. Stencil offers a vast range of features to make your content creation process more effective. Let's review five of …
How to Organize Your Social Media Content Calendar
Keeping an organized and updated social media content calendar is a golden rule to live by for social media marketers and pretty much anyone who intends to use social media for business purposes. A social media content calendar is a tool to help you plan the content you intend to create and share. A content calendar can be built in various tools such a Google Sheets, Trello, or even …
Common Marketing Misconceptions and Facts
Some businesses treat social media marketing as a ‘good to have’ ornamental decoration that falls short of being an integral part of their overall business strategy. However, this is far from reality. Social media marketing is an indispensable part of any company’s marketing strategy in the 21st Century. Pretty much everyone lives and shops online today, and this is where businesses …
Top Twitter Strategies to Grow Your Brand In 2020
With over 145 million active users per month, Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms that is well worth building a presence on. As far as business communication and marketing is concerned, Twitter remains one of the primary social media platforms to create connections, spread the word, and build your brand. So many things come into play, such as the experience that you …
Tips For Succeeding on Facebook in 2020
Like most businesses, you're likely already working on your digital marketing strategy for 2020. It's possible that from time to time, in passing, you've heard various marketers and business owner talk about the lack of effectiveness when it comes to leveraging Facebook for business. Succeeding on Facebook is not about what other's experience with the platform; it's about how you are …