When you use a design tool, understanding as much as you can about the features and capabilities will help you get the most out of the tool. We're all about making your lives easier when it comes to creating content. Learning more about some of our favorite features will help make your content creation process easier on a day-to-day basis! Let's review 4 Stencil features that you need to start …
How to Easily Organize Your Content Calendar in Stencil
Organization is key when it comes to managing your content calendar in a strategic way. Many marketing professionals use programs such as Trello, Google Drive, or other programs to store their content and organize it by weeks, months or even season. Regardless of the way you choose to organize your content, the key is to have a consistent system in place that will make your job or …
How to Connect With Your Audience in Times of Uncertainty
To say that times have changed in recent weeks would be an understatement. The whole world is experiencing what, for many, is unknown territory. We are seeing those around us experience difficult times, and we are all affected one way or another. As a business, you may be wondering if you should even be leveraging social media for your marketing efforts and, if yes, how to do so. …
4 Ways to Use Quote Graphics For Your Marketing Efforts
To use quotes or not to use quotes? That's a question that often comes up for many businesses when it comes to content creation and using quote graphics. Well, for starters, something to remember is that your content should never be 100% about you, yes you need to educate your audience, but quotes are a great way to break up the norm and keep things interesting for your …
5 Strategies You Need to Start Using for Pinterest Today
When it comes to Pinterest marketing, we often hear a common misconception that "engagement doesn't matter." This is probably due to the simple fact that it's a search engine, and we forget that the term "engagement" both on and off social media can have various meanings. Does it mean a like on a Facebook post? A comment on Instagram? Perhaps a comment on a recent blog post? Engagement …