Anthony Trollope was one of the world’s most creative writers. In the 1800’s he regularly released novels over 700 pages in length, multiple times a year, and wrote whole series so long in length that Lord of the Rings looks like a short story. And, he did all of this while working a full time job for the British Postal Service. According to Stephen King in his book On Writing, he was able to …
The 5 Most Important Productivity Lessons I Learned This Year
As the clock hits midnight tonight I’ve officially been running my own business for a year. I quit my job at a shoe shop, headed to a music festival and then came home to start life as a Freelance Writer. And, it’s been one hell of a ride. I’ve learned a lot about business, marketing, social media, life, love and everything else that falls in between. I’ve written about topics I never dreamed …
10 Data Driven Ways To Improve Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Right Now
Social Media Marketing can get feel like an uphill struggle. Maybe you're just in a creative slump. Perhaps you're lost, and bored of trying to figure out what you should be doing. Or, you could just be feeling a little stale after a few months of doing the same old same old. Don't fret. In this article you're going to learn 10 data driven ways to improve your social media strategy …
Free And Easy Ways To Find New Content Ideas For Your Audience
Finding new content ideas for your audience is hard. I mean, you probably have hundreds of ideas rolling around in the back of your head right now. But, it’s just finding where you left the darn key to that door, isn’t it? Plus there are all the questions that hang over your head: Is this a good idea? How well will the post perform? Is this even a post my audience want? And it doesn’t …
The 3 Most Important Habits Of Social Media Marketers That You Should Adopt
I’ve got a quick question for you: What makes a successful social media marketer? You might think it’s their ability to tweet well, or write solid Facebook posts or choose the best images that go viral. But, it’s none of those. Its something much more powerful… …