Proper grammar usage is a crucial tool for any marketer, designer, or entrepreneurial— it helps convey your message and make your content easy to read. In addition to readability, your audience will appreciate text that looks smart and professional. If you're for looking tips on strong writing without constant check-ins from editors, read our guide below. …
Color Schemes and How To Make Them In Stencil
Look at a few social media giants and their branding and you may notice something in common: the color blue! Most heavy marketers use blue and a palette made of up complimentary shades for their branding. Blue is statistically the most popular color in the world (via Toronto Sun), and it’s no secret that marketers are taking advantage of this fact. Consider using a combination of blue and white …
How to Be A Real-Time Marketing Pro Using Stencil
Real-time marketing can have a positive impact on businesses. Showing your audience that you're "in the know" with current issues and trends can develop a dialogue and discussions can grow to build a business further. With real-time marketing, the strategy does not have to be planned a year out, but within a short time span depending on current events, holidays, trends, and news. Images play a …
How to Make Great Instagram Content
How to Make Great Instagram Content Using Stencil They say a picture is worth a thousands words. So, it should come as no surprise that Instagram has become a leading social marketing platform since its creation in 2010. However, while Instagram is the reigning king of social media (it has the highest engagement of any social network), making great content is easier said than done. …
10 Common Mistakes People Make When Creating Images
Did you know: 65% of the world’s population are visual learners? With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that a great image can make a banner that will not only catch the viewer's eye, but hold focus and generate interest in your Facebook page or website. …