To say that times have changed in recent weeks would be an understatement. The whole world is experiencing what, for many, is unknown territory. We are seeing those around us experience difficult times, and we are all affected one way or another. As a business, you may be wondering if you should even be leveraging social media for your marketing efforts and, if yes, how to do so. …
Social Media
4 Ways to Use Quote Graphics For Your Marketing Efforts
To use quotes or not to use quotes? That's a question that often comes up for many businesses when it comes to content creation and using quote graphics. Well, for starters, something to remember is that your content should never be 100% about you, yes you need to educate your audience, but quotes are a great way to break up the norm and keep things interesting for your …
5 Strategies You Need to Start Using for Pinterest Today
When it comes to Pinterest marketing, we often hear a common misconception that "engagement doesn't matter." This is probably due to the simple fact that it's a search engine, and we forget that the term "engagement" both on and off social media can have various meanings. Does it mean a like on a Facebook post? A comment on Instagram? Perhaps a comment on a recent blog post? Engagement …
5 Ways Stencil Can Increase Your Marketing Productivity
As you begin the New Year, you are likely refining your marketing strategy and want to refine your processes along the way. Whether you've already done this or not, discovering new tools or understanding what the tools that you currently use can do for you can be helpful. Stencil offers a vast range of features to make your content creation process more effective. Let's review five of …
How to Organize Your Social Media Content Calendar
Keeping an organized and updated social media content calendar is a golden rule to live by for social media marketers and pretty much anyone who intends to use social media for business purposes. A social media content calendar is a tool to help you plan the content you intend to create and share. A content calendar can be built in various tools such a Google Sheets, Trello, or even …