Launching a product can be... stressful. Making sure the sales funnel is just right, email marketing has automation on track, and not worrying that all that hard work spent into that new product will be an absolute failure. We get it! Every business owner has faced these fears. The one thing you can do that can ease the stress of the product launch is to visualize each step of the way to create …
3 Ways to Visually Optimize Your Blog Posts for More Shares
Images don’t just beautify your post and break up text, they increase shares and thereby blog traffic too. After analyzing over a 100 million articles, Buzzsumo found that adding at least one image to your blog posts can increase shares on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. When you add images to your blog posts, they will also result in more Pinterest pins as people can only pin blog …
How Most People Screw Up Their Email Design
Don't click delete. Most email marketing campaigns are screaming this. Marketers spend a lot of time carefully formulating catchy headlines, working enticing offers into their copy, and A/B testing different phrases for their CTAs. The overall look and design though is often an afterthought. …
Simple Graphic Design Tips for the Non-Designer
Have you ever seen a design and wonder - how did they do that? Creating graphic designs can be a wonderful feat however it can be a bit stressful. Sometimes making decisions on colors, fonts, filters, etc. can be overwhelming for a non-designer. When there's confusion on how an image should look, it can be a huge time-waster! Today we want to bring you simple graphic design tips for the …
Social Media Cover Ideas to Revive Your Online Presence
Just as a brick and mortar business has its window display and signage, an online presence has to have its own window display. This is where social media covers can play an integral part of a social media presence. The window display has one overall goal - to invite people to learn more about the business. It has to be inviting and intriguing enough for people to want to check out what you have to …