Just as a brick and mortar business has its window display and signage, an online presence has to have its own window display. This is where social media covers can play an integral part of a social media presence. The window display has one overall goal - to invite people to learn more about the business. It has to be inviting and intriguing enough for people to want to check out what you have to …
Social Media
Become a Visual Marketing Superhero with ViralTag and Stencil [Special Offer Inside]
Visual marketing is at the forefront of any business or brand. Social media is extremely important in achieving that. Having images to reflect your brand and business story will help your business get noticed, if you have the right tools to present them. Stencil knows the importance of creating images for business in a fast and efficient manner. ViralTag is a social media scheduling tool that …
Top 5 Social Media Scheduling Tools (Visual Content Focused)
For any business or brand, social media has become a much needed marketing tool. Consumers will search social media platforms for news and offers a business may have and for that reason it's important to have a social media presence. Even for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, or small business owners, there should be a presence, maybe not on all social media platforms; however a distinct following to …
Social Media Graphics Made Easy with Templates (Plus Updates)
Social media marketing can be a chore finding out what your audience would like to see, let alone creating images that will entice potential customers. Here at Stencil, we want to make social media graphics easy and fast for business owners. We're making big strides in making sure that Stencil can become your go-to image tool. The faster and easier it is for you to make social media images, the …
How to use Color Psychology in Social Media Marketing
Color plays an emotional connection in everything we do in our lives, from deep childhood rooted memories to everyday occurrences. In the business world, color psychology plays an importance in social media marketing and branding. Color association can stir up negative or positive emotions with each individual. How do you know your colors are affecting your clients in a positive manner? Today …