Ever encounter a link on social media with an incredible headline, not clickbait, but something that genuinely intrigues you but the image is not that great or... there is no image at all (GASP!). I know those links kill me. What are they thinking?! Are you doing that... sharing your blog posts without an image? I hope not. Creating content for a blog can be time-consuming, however, the purpose of …
Social Media
Unique Ways to Create Social Media Posts with Stencil’s Resizable Images
Creating images can be challenging, especially finding new and unique ways to create social media posts. What can you do that hasn't already been done? It may seem like you may be mimicking what others have done or have seen the same old types of posts. We'd like to show you a variety of different types of posts that you can try to keep customers curious and thirsty for more using Stencil's …
Social Recruitment: How to Use Social Media to Hire
Are you having trouble hiring? You're not alone. 50% of small to medium sized businesses can't find qualified applicants for open positions. Posting a job on job boards and waiting for the perfect candidate won't cut it anymore. It's time to step up your social recruitment game. …
Social Media Marketing Tips for Real Estate Pros
Just like successful local and online businesses, successful realtors understand the importance of social media marketing. We live in a research-driven buying culture, so before homebuyers start seriously looking for housing options or before a seller looks for a realtor, they're doing their research online. Real estate has a long sales cycle, and prospective clients have to be nurtured. By …
How to Use Emojis in Social Media Marketing
Every year emojis are becoming more popular and used more every single day. On average, there are over 60 Million emojis sent on Facebook alone every day. The numbers are not just increasing in personal daily use but in business marketing communications. That's why we think it's important to talk about how to use emojis in social media marketing to provide value and strategy as small business …