The goal of every email campaign is to get readers to follow-through and complete some kind of action. You want them to buy something or sign up for a program, so you come up with a campaign using quirky designs and clever copy. But despite your effort, conversions are low. Hardly anyone clicks through the email to your landing page. Instead of getting readers excited and eager to take the next …
How Startup Marketing is Like Learning to Surf
Surfers will tell you that there's no better feeling than paddling out to a wave, catching it and then riding it all the way back to shore. It's the thrill of seeing an opportunity, going for it and then reveling in the knowledge that you just accomplished something truly amazing. …
How to Drive More Traffic and Sales on Your Ecommerce site with Visuals
Do you want to sell more products from your ecommerce site? Would you like to learn how to use visuals to drive more traffic and sales on your ecommerce site? In 2019, retail e-commerce sales worldwide amounted to $3.53 trillion. But the competition is immense as there are over 12 million ecommerce sites and only 650,000 of them make more than $1000 a year. Hence, if you want to beat these sites …