How many emails do you receive from brands daily? And how many do you enjoy reading? Email marketing is incredibly effective, and many consumers love receiving newsletters on a regular basis. Finding the perfect balance and being creative is key. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for crafting the best email marketing content.
Test Your Subject Lines
If you never test your email subject lines, you’re doing email marketing wrong. You need to know what works in order to fuel your strategy and the actions that follow.
How can you test your email subject lines? Many tools allow you to A/B test your subject lines to a segment of your list before sending your email to the rest of your list once the test identifies which one performed the best.
Always keep track of which ones have the highest open rate, and what words, keywords, or trigger words you used, and let that guide you when you create new subject lines.

Content that Converts
Creating content that converts for your email list doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, you already have content that converts on other platforms that you can use to guide your email marketing efforts. We often hear the saying “work smarter, not harder,” and the same can be true for content creation.
Where to look for your guidance:
- Past newsletters that have done well.
- Blog topics that tend to perform well.
- Social media posts that get more engagement than usual.
- Questions that your community may be asking.
While we could share more places to find guidance to create your next email or email newsletter, this will look different from brand to brand. In simple terms, let what’s working now guide you.
Keyword Research
When creating email content, repurposing content should always be something you are thinking about. Do some keyword research to inspire your next blog content. You can then use your blog content to rest your community’s interest in a particular topic.
Look at your email engagement as proof of concept for creating a blog post or podcast outline by expanding your email topic in a blog post or podcast episode.
Keep It Simple
While we all love fresh ideas in the marketing world, if you have a simple concept or email type that knocks it out of the park every time you hit publish, it’s okay to stick with what you know works while testing new ideas in the mix.
There are a lot of distractions in the world of marketing, and it’s normal to want to be chasing the next best thing; in fact, testing new things is a part of what makes things so interesting. With that being said, it’s also okay to keep it simple.
So, next time you work on your email campaign, remember that testing your subject lines can go a long way and that you likely already have proof of concept with content you are already creating.
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