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Simple Image Design for Dietitians

Are you looking for a simple way to create graphics for your dietitian consulting business?

What's the value in designing images for your business in the first place?

Standing out from other Dietitians is becoming tougher and tougher. This is especially true in the social media and digital marketing world. That's where images and graphics come in. Coupling your offline marketing initiatives with visual marketing through your social media channels and digital marketing it going to make a huge difference for your business. Here's how designing graphics for digital marketing can help you:

Showcase successes that you've had with clients with eye-catching photos, including your logo or brand name
Promote seasonal consulting packages or discounts, using images to break through the text bubble
Get more retweets by including branded graphics (tweets with images get 89% more retweets on Twitter)
Set yourself apart from other Dietitians that are promoting their business online without the use of images or graphics

Designing your first image takes minutes (or even seconds)!

Working as a Registered Dietitian (RD) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) requires a ton of balancing. Keeping up with certifications, reaching out to existing clients, researching medical and health conditions, and setting up personalized plans and goals for your clients. This all requires a ton of time, and to be honest, ought to be priotizied over graphic design.

But that's exactly why we built Stencil. We built it to help Dietitians not worry about things like photo licensing, posting to online social media platforms, and downloading the right size for your website or banner.

With Stencil, you can create images just like these in minutes:


Summer Packages Available

Deal on until Sunday

This weeks low-calorie recipe

this weekend!

Diet of the year.

What makes Stencil stand apart?

From the first day, the goal with Stencil has always been to get professionals in and designing as fast as possible. This includes small things, like remembering exactly where you last placed your logo or watermark, and keeping it in the same place each time you open Stencil.

Something else we've spent hundreds (if not thousands) of hours on is Customer Support. We don't take it lightly. We're always available to chat, learn more about how Stencil could be better, or help you through any questions you have.

Millions and millions of photos for you to use!

A common problem we've heard from Dietitians is accessing a library of photos. That's another place we've spent thousands of hours working to perfect: with Stencil, you get access to 5,000,000+ photos at no additional charge.

That means you'll find the perfect, diet, nutrition or food photos at no extra cost, right from within Stencil, with no additional copyright or attribution requirements from you.

Create your first image

Oh: we also give you access to millions of icons to use πŸ˜‰

I'm sure your next question after the photo library was: what about icons? Well we've got you covered there as well. With Stencil, we give give you access to our library of 3,100,000+ icons, again at no additional charges.

And just like the photos, there are no additional licensing or copyright issues to worry about: just find the perfect icon or graphic, add it to your design, and you're done!

Create your first image

Why should you spend time designing images with Stencil?

We know what it's like to have a laundry list of tasks. And we're sure designing images is not at the top of that list. Reaching out to existing clients, getting on phone calls with new ones, and everything in between, requires a lot from you. But we also know that keeping your client pipeline active (eg. making sure new customers can find you) is important to get your business growing.

Depending on whether you're using Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and/or Twitter to promote your business, you might not notice you're spending a bit too much time trying to figure out the perfect image dimensions for each of those networks. Posting the right sized images or designs on those networks can make the difference between your post being burried, or bubbling up to the top of someone's feed.

Worrying about details like the perfect sized image is not a great use of your time. And that (and other) reasons are why we think Stencil is a good fit for Dietitians: we provide you with a design tool that knows all the right sizes, coupled with access to all the photos and icons you need while desgining health-focused images for your followers.

Why Using Images is Important for


More likely to be shared

Visual content is more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. (Source)


More engagement

Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images. (Source)


Marketers say photography is critical

46% of marketers say photography is critical to their current marketing and storytelling strategies. (Source)


More Favorites

Tweets with images received 89% more favorites. (Source)


More Retweets

Buffer reported that for its user base, tweets with images received 150% more retweets than tweets without images. (Source)


More Clicks

Photos get 84% more click-throughs on Facebook. (Source)

3 Ways images and graphics can help Dietitians

Here are some ways to keep your audience engaged with your brand:


Promote recent success stories of your clients

Social proof is one of the most powerful promotional vehicles for any business. So design some graphics for either your website or social media channels that showcase and highlight recent success stories to give your audience confidence in your services!


Design flyers for your in-person events, which list and promote the services you provide

A big part of your outreach may be in-person events, where you have a booth, or meet with propsective clients. Having something to leave behind, like a flyer, that lists the services you provide, can make the difference between that client signing up for your services or not.


Craft beautiful weekly-recipe images, to help keep your followers engaged with your services

One of the challenges of being a Dietitian is staying in a possible future-client's mind. This is because while they may not require your services today, they might tomorrow. So using Stencil to design simple graphics (like a healthy weekly-recipe) can ensure that when they're ready for some sessions of educational workshops, they'll be reminded of you through something like this.

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Being active on Social Media in 2025 is vital for all Health Professionals

Being a Dietitian (or any health related professional) in 2025 is different than before. Regularly posting to social media accounts and channels has become super important to engage with your clients and prospective clients. And to make sure you're visible, having beautiful, branded images and graphics is key.

One of Stencil's strengths is exactly this: we make it easy to not only design an image, but also for you to preview what it will look like before you post it, right from within Stencil.

Try the world's fastest way to create
images for dietitians.

Create your first image

Social Media Marketing for Dietitians and Health Professionals is crucial

We can only imagine how many things you have to do today. Follow up with Marie. Email Adam. Research new recipes for someone suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. But making sure you have a constant pipeline of new clients is equally important. And making sure those people can find you online, is exactly what Stencil does.

We're here to help you with the design part. You should not be spending any time worrying about finding the perfect photos or icons, or concerned about copyright or attribution issues. When you have your new-client-hat on, you should just focus on getting the attention of your website visitors and social media followers. And that's how we want to help you.

What our customers say

Great reviews from people who use Stencil.

Stencil is the web's favorite graphic design tool.

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